Saving water and energy to safeguard the environment

Water is the basis of our life.
Climate change and the increasing level of urbanization impose new challenges. Kariba is ready to meet them with a sustainable development path that is part of our DNA.
We study solutions to constantly improve our products and design cisterns that consume less and less water at each flush.

Environmental protection is an important goal for us at Kariba that we deal with every day: our production site is located in the Monte Marcello-Magra Nature Park, and we are required to comply with its rules and regulations.
We use photovoltaic energy in our plant with the goal of being self-sufficient and using clean energy, lowering direct CO2 production.

Investing in people and the community

Sustainability for us means acting responsibly not only towards the environment but also towards people and the community.
We invest in the safety and well-being of our employees and in relations with the territory, aware of the ethical and professional responsibilities towards the community in which we operate.
The community embraces for us the entire network of relationships and connections with entities, institutions, associations, and all areas that are impacted, directly or indirectly, by our activity. We feel it is our duty to give back to the community some of the value we receive from it.


A cultural association from Brescia that has been promoting trips with solidarity and environmental objectives for 14 years. Since 2019, it has started H2oPlanet: a 7-trip project with the aim of raising awareness about the problems that plague our planet's water. Kariba chose to support this project because we firmly believe in the importance of educating on the issue of water emergency. Discover more about 7milamiglialontano.

Open doors to students

School is the driving force in the training and integration of students into the world of work. Kariba collaborates with Confindustria La Spezia and adheres to initiatives such as PMI DAY – INDUSTRIAMOCI and RAGAZZI IN AZIENDA – PROGETTIAMOCI IL FUTURO to convey to the new generations of its territory the pride and passion of doing business. Meeting with students represents an opportunity to illustrate the productive and entrepreneurial reality and the opportunities that the world of work can offer.

Top sponsor of Spezia Calcio

This is a long-standing project in which we stand side by side with our city's team SPEZIA CALCIO as a top sponsor to share not only the sporting journey but also ideas, experiences and values: team spirit, passion, determination, collaboration and resilience.

Assistance and support

Kariba Assistance Service